Club volleyball is an extended season of volleyball competition that follows the traditional volleyball season of middle and high schools. It may be organized under one of several different youth volleyball organizations such as USA Volleyball or GEVA for the purpose of providing additional opportunities to compete and to develop one’s skills. LIKVBC programs are offered as part of the GEVA Region of USA Volleyball.
What Club Volleyball is about:

Club volleyball begins shortly after the conclusion of the Middle School and High School volleyball seasons. Tryouts / Player Assessments are done in November with Meetings and/or training beginning in early December. Tournaments generally run from early-January through end of May.
When is the Club Volleyball season:
Club volleyball begins shortly after the conclusion of the Middle School and High School volleyball seasons. Tryouts / Player Assessments are done in November with Meetings and/or training beginning in early December. Tournaments generally run from early-January through end of May.
HAVC will hold organized tryouts by age-level beginning early November. Prospective players will be assessed and evaluated by NYKVBC’s coaches, who will select team members based on player age, ability, and the need to fill player position slots. NYKVBC cannot guarantee player placement based on friendships, carpooling, or school affiliations.
How teams are selected:
Athletes may play on a higher age level team, but may not play at a lower age level. LIKVBC coaches may consider having an athlete “play up” based on ability, peer group, advanced skills, etc.
Age Levels and USAV Eligibility Rules:
Typically the ultimate number is between 8 and 10. Fewer than 8 and you risk not having enough players in the event of an injury or absent player. More than 10 and you have too many players standing around or sitting on the bench. Too many players will create stress on a coach with parents and players expecting equal playing time. This will lead to a decrease in team moral or resentment between the players.
Number of Players per Team:
What to expect at Tournaments:
LIKVBC will schedule each team for 6 Regional tournaments. Five of those tournaments will be held on Saturdays and one will be scheduled for a Sunday during the season. Arrival is normally around 8:00 am with play beginning at 9:00 am. Pool Play will usually last until late afternoon, with the Playoffs following. A winning record during Pool Play will usually guarantee you advancing to the playoffs. Once in the playoffs, it is a single elimination round. When advancing to the finals, you can expect to be in the gym until 7 or 8 pm.